Top 5 Halloween Costumes:
Teenagers who go around in blue jeans, a white t-shirt and a mask are a pet peeve of mine, and a disgrace to dedicated trick-or-treaters such as myself. To crack my top ten, you have to have a good idea, creativity and innovative designing.
1. The Tin Man. (My costume as a 7- y/o). Okay folks, this wasn't a half done, $15 costume bought at Halloween USA. This was a design worked on for weeks. I spent 25 minutes just getting the thing on. It had an opening door that revealed a heart inside it. I also had silver body paint and hair dye, complete with a silver funnel on my head. Till this day, I cannot find on that tops this.
2. Harold Helicopter Rescue. (Thomas the Train character) When you can get a cute kid into a cardboard box that resembles a helicopter with revolving wooden spoons on top of his head, its an all around victory.
3. Super Sperm. Not a lot of explanation is necessary, but it was a unique idea and finally a teenager that did a little more that buying a scary mask.
4.Chucky (Child's Play) This did involve a mask, of course but the wearer did do a fantastic job of replicating the real Chucky, with the overalls, striped shirt, and of course, the infamous Chucky voice.
5. Now, this one is different because it involves a dog. However, putting a weiner dog in a hot dog costume is just adorable. I could cry.
Top 5 Halloween Candies:
When I think of Halloween I think of candy So here's my fab 5:
1. Snickers. The Snickers theme song is my ringtone. You know, the, "Over Chocolate Covered Mountain Tops And Waterfalls of Caramel..." It's pretty flippin' sweet if you ask me...
2. Candy Corn. I absolutely HATE candy corn, but it is probably the candy most associated with candy corn. All other candy is enjoyed year round, but candy corn is normally only ate on October 31st.
3. Kit Kat. My personal second favorite, I love the King-Size, because I can sit there and eat them all night.
4. Any white chocolate. My mom always joked that I inherited this "white-chocolate gene" from her. I normally don't eat nuts, but if there colored in white chocolate I will. I'd eat pretty much anything, as long as its covered in white chocolate.
5. M&M's. I guess, like the Kit Kat's, I can just sit there and enjoy them for hours. I think maybe I'm just more of a slow-candy eater.