Although I said that people should stay away from the video, I thought it was necessary for me to watch it to accurately write this blog. This blog was supposed to be about a world issue I have feelings on, and boy, after watching that girl lying on the pavement, emotions inside me raged, boiling up to a feeling of hate, for whoever did this to her. I do have to congratulate BBC and CNN, who did an absolutely fantastic job of covering this tragic event, and left the viewer feeling like they personally knew Neda.
When America first had the "confrontation," or however you'd like to call it, I wrote a paper that said we should have a hands off policy. Well, I got to tell you, after watching this video I wouldn't have any problems sending troops over there to shoot everyone in the chest, just as they did to this girl. But I guess then Obama wouldn't be looking to good for that Nobel Peace Prize would he?
So, lets pretend that you are the family of this girl? What would you do now? Have a funeral service of course. But, no the Iranian governments put a ban on memorial services for the girl. What a shame. Can you believe that? That's like someone killing your child and then saying you can't have a funeral service for her. Think about how that would make you feel...
The good news is that she will not be forgotten. "RIP Neda, the world cries seeing your last breath," was one of the messages that was all over Twitter Tweets and Facebook status's. The important thing is to get the world more aware of this tragedy because, Neda is, everyone's voice for freedom.
A picture of this innocent girl:

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